Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our Exclusive New Club

I'm just kidding about the exclusitivity (ha! That's a word! Spell check didn't say I spelled it wrong!!) It's not exclusive at all and even if it was I couldn't say so since it's not my idea- I was just invited to be a member.

So, for all of you that read my blog that AREN'T related to me (I think that's about one of you...yeah, just one...well at least I know my family supports me :-P) let me explain. My sister sent out an e-mail informing a few of us about this new club she was forming where we all get support and pressure from each other to write down things about us and our lives- details that will seem silly to us but important and awesome to the descendents to follow. The general idea is that once a week my sister will send us out a question- a completely random question that we have to answer. Either in our journals, our e-mails, type it up on word, or blog about it, etc... (And just a quick side note here- if any of my readers want to take this question and answer it on their blog or somewhere else in their life- please feel free! We aren't afraid of sharing ;-D) I personally (and I think Steph will do the same) decided to blog about it (I mean how could I refuse! If I'm ever running low on ideas it's like a complete freebie! Bonus) So- here is this weeks question (chosen by Steph's daughter, Liberty):
Do you pay much attention to the news? How do you get your news?
I have to say I have mixed feelings about this- I feel like I should pay more attention to news than I do but at the same time news is just generally so depressing that I don't want to! So I'd have to say that global type of worldwide news I'm horrid at following. Generally I just find out whatever I know from some secondhand person talking about it to some other secondhand person and then I formulate some sort of general opinion on some sort of issue that's like 6 months old. It's fun! However local news I'm much better informed about! I live in a small town where news travels fast and I'm related to one of the cops that works in said small town. If anything exciting or loud or illegal at all happens I soon know- and I like that. Small town news isn't depressing- it's interesting, fun, sometimes sad, but never dull.
But yes, I am in general an uninformed danger to my society. (However if it makes any of you feel better the people I get my secondhand news from are people I trust and people who have opinions that are typically similar to mine anyways- so I'm maybe less of a menace? ...maybe?)
Hope you guys enjoyed!! Look forward to next weeks question-- and of course the many sundrous and small blogs in between :-)


Stephanie said...

Bet you exclusivity wouldn't be in your phone dictionary ;)
Thanks for being a part of this little project with me! And super bonus points (if we were doing them... ;)on being the first that I've seen to respond. You rock my socks Bonnie!

Constantine said...

You are blogging again!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how happy that makes me!!!!! :)
This sounds fun! I would like to answer the questions too! It would be a good way to get good ideas about things to blog about!! :) If you don't mind, of course. Then we can compare our answers!


Constantine said...

By the way Bonnie, I love the new title of your blog! :)

Bonnie said...

Haha thanks Jossi! It took me a good 10 minutes to come up with that simple title-- I kept wanting to make it 3 words but I couldn't find a good 3rd word that fit so I went with just the two :P
What's your e-mail address so that I can e-mail you the question of the week? :D

Anonymous said...

I love the way you write. You so totally crack me up! Who could use all those awesome words within 5 minutes? Exclusivity? Sundrous? And you being an uniformed danger and menace to society? You and Steph have such a way of putting things that just makes it so hilarious to read!! That is the main reason I don't blog...it can never be as good or exciting or just plain fun to read as your guys'... Love it! Keep it up!