Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sick Day

Yep, I'm sick. Well, let me amend that- I was sick, I'm feeling much better now actually. I think that my body was just a little tired of moving around and since it knew it was going to be staying in Utah for a while it decided to just shut down.

For the last couple days I've had a head cold, itchy throat, runny nose, know, typical winter sickness.

And as much as I KNOW that the shake I had to "ease my throat pain" (that was my excuse anyway--and the cool niceness did feel good) didn't help this at all, it sure tasted good.

But today I found a great remedy for feeling bad for myself that I was sick and feeling icky. I cleaned--yep, that's it, I cleaned. And it was great! I had the house to myself and I just started with the kitchen and worked my way over and down- it was great!

You know, I just love cleaning because it is so satisfying! You see something go from horrid (or at least dirty) to clean and pretty, and you know that you are the cause! SO SATISFYING! :)

All in all, I'm thinking that today was a good sick day.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Yes, yes indeedy- I am now back in good ol' Ogden, Utah of the USA. As of 9:30ish Saturday night I was home.

And it was great- it was marvelous that I had SUCH a blast up with my sisters and it's marvelous that I can come home and be happy.

Such is the wonder of vacations- they make every place in home seem a little bit better- breaks have a tendency to do that. I will always be thankful to my sisters for taking me in when I needed a break- they're just so good!

But now that I've had a break, and I have an amazing and exciting chance to come back to Washington in August, it's good to be back.

Good days! Happy days!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Experiences

I have to say, overall in my life I consider myself a girly-girl. I mean, I don't think I'm OVERLY feminine, but I do like looking cute, I like pretty shoes, and I like staying clean. I like having my hair do the right thing, and I REALLY like it when that good-looking guy gives me that second glance. But I also like hiking and being outside, so I've always figured that I was an okay balance.

Well, this last week I had an opportunity to demolish a bathroom. It started out innocently with one layer of tile in the floor, which turned out to have about five layers. Next we (we being Val-my sister- Jacob- my brother in law- and me) knew we had to take out the vanity (which is the length of the wall) to get the rest of the floor. The vanity was so big that we had to chain-saw it in half to get it out the door. After that there came laying down a floor, setting in tiles, grouting tiles, plastering walls, sanding walls, stripping paint--before I knew it I was spending my evenings grime encrusted and feeling like a member of an elite construction crew.

And I love it!

Naturally I now have to rethink my position on how girly I am. I mean, don't get me wrong when we had the missionaries over for dinner I changed out of my plastered pants into my nice, clean pair, but I actually enjoyed tearing up a floor and getting plaster all over my hands. It's hard work, but there's something so therapeautic about hacking into a floor with a crowbar and tearing it up.

But I still like looking good, I still enjoy wearing a good pair of high heels. I suppose this is all just a part of balance in my life. Ah well, enjoy it while it lasts eh?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Places to go...things to learn...and an inability to make a choice

Right so as I'm sure you're all aware I want to be a massage therapist. I mean, maybe not for my whole life, but for at least a portion. At least while my husband is going to college and we need money or at any point in my life when an income is needed- maybe so I can go to college more who knows? The point is I want to be a massage therapist.

At this point in my life there are basically two places that I would go to, the fist being the Utah College of Massage Therapy in SLC and the second being the Moscow School of Massage in Moscow. If I went to UCMT I would be able to stay at home, keep my current job, plus the UCMT is the top-rated massage school in the nation. And I don't have to 18 when I start as long as I am when I finish.

The Moscow School of Massage is slightly more exclusive and I would be living with my sister Valerie and her husband Jacob. But to go there- at least according to their website- I have to be 18 just to start. And since they only start twice a year I would have to wait until March 2010 to start this. I mean, if there's anyway around that I'll find it, I'm planning on going to Moscow and talking to the people if I can.

But the point is which school? I mean I tend to lean towards Moscow but what if they don't accept me? Am I willing to wait that long to go to college-- I mean I'm dedicated and all, but if I wait that long I probably won't end up going...

And what about the money? Neither website is helpful in this regard, they just won't tell me how much the stinkin' school costs, it's like they're afraid that it will scare me away- really it would just be helpful.

Ah well, what to do what to do? I guess my meeting in Moscow will decide all that...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Ah yes, here it is! Another whole new year! Another chance to fix what we don't like, to change aspects of our lives, and another chance to wonder what the new year will bring!

In my family, being as big as it is, we always have some sort of biggesh thing in the year, a wedding, a baby, or in the case of 2008 and broken engagement and no wedding. It's getting a little more selective now though, at least in the case of marriages. There are only four of us left unmarried and of those four at least one is DEFINATELY going on a mission, one just isn't interested in marriage right now, one is probably going to leave on a mission, and well, the other one is me. :)

I guess having a missionary leave out to the field is a big thing, so that'll definately happen this year. And who knows, I'll probably end up having another niece or nephew this year.

And of course the new year is that time for those fabulous things- those resolutions that I ALWAYS resolve never to break...and always do....well, at least to a degree.

I haven't really given much thought to what my resolutions would be until now, but let's give it a go and see what comes out!

1) I want to be better at my scripture study--everyday!
2) I'd really love to lose some weight and exercise more and look better in general
3) Find out which of the massage colleges, if any, I'm attending and get things all set to go there
4) Get my friggin' drivers license :) And THAT particular one better not be to long in coming, if I don't get it before September 27th I'm pretty sure I'll go postal
5) Develop a bigger and better strain of honesty and patience in my life
6) Be all around friendlier, happier, and more helpful
You know, I would add get a boyfriend, but I'm pretty sure that's not the type of thing you resolve to do- it just kind of, happens I suppose. :)

Well...wish me luck! If I think of more I'll add them...