Monday, February 9, 2009

Mission Call

Thom got his mission call! I mean, I know all of you know that already, but still! It is so crazy! He's going to be going to Poland for two years of his life. (Which is by the way two years that he can't wake me up with ice cubes, or poke me, or bite my shoulder, or flip my mattress over, or anything like that.)

I'm guessing that after about a year I'm going to start missing the little troublemaker. And by little I am referring to the 6'5 giant that he has grown into.

I have to say, it's always entertaining for me to see Thom next to other males, they always seem so short! Then I'll make a comment to mom about how short they all are and she'll kind of look at me like I'm crazy and then gently point out that all of these fine gentleman would be considered tall and that Thom is a little above average with the height factor.

But anyway, he's leaving on May 13th for the Warsaw Poland mission. Dad is so excited! He had Thom in the Stake Presidents office about an hour after he opened his call, so Thom could interview for a temple recommend. Then the next day off they went to the Bountiful Temple (the Ogden Temple is closed for maintenance until the 17th unfortunately so Thom couldn't go there) and he recieved his endownments.

It's all so crazy, it just happened so fast and now my brother is all grown up, getting ready to face life (and of course he'd probably kill me if he ever read this, but meh--that's part of being a sister. :) It's a risk I run) it's just so tender.

I wish him all the luck in the world!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Car!

It's official! I'm going to buy a car!!!! AND I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a Suzuki Esteem 2000 and it's silver, 4-doors. (The next time I am going to see it I'll bring a camera and take pictures and post them here) It actually reminds me quite a bit of a geo-metro. Suzuki was actually the company that bought out geo-metros so while it looks a little different it also has alot of things the same (mom can see more than I can but what can you do?) It's a little beat up, but it's a first car so it's allowed and completely acceptable. The thing I'm most excited about is the gas mileage! 36 miles to the gallon AROUND TOWN! It gets about 40+ on freeways and highways--this is gonna be great! And work out so well for my college schedule!

And I love the size of this car. I'm so used to driving a minivan around (don't get me wrong, I love the minivan, it was actually a great car to learn how to drive on, and it's definately serves its purpose...but it's big) that when I went test driving this car and it was so nice and small and easy to handle, I LOVE it!!!!

I mean, there is the small problem of getting a license beforehand (I say license smicense, but unfortunately Utah state doesn't agree with me...) but that should be all wrapped up before the end of February, oh I am so excited! SO EXCITED!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Month of No Sugar!

Alright! Here it is, it has come at last--the dreaded February 1st.

You see, I decided a little bit ago that I would do a month of no 'obvious' sugar. You know, things like shakes, and cookies, and cake, and chocolate, etc...that whole thing. And I decided that February was the month to do it (needless to say it was only after I had made this resolution that I remembered that Valentines' Day was in February...I mentally cursed myself for quite a while.) So starting today and ending with March 1st (when I'll probably go binge eating--just kidding!) I am having no sugar.

Of course when it was still January and I could eat sugar it seemed like such an easy resolve, but the day came and already I've been tested. Because of course today was the one day that mom decided we should actually have dessert after dinner--something that only happens maybe once every two months. Of course she thought we should have it today, and I'm going to have to say no to apple pie. And then this Thursday Steph is hosting an enrichment activity where we are going to make flowers out of Hershey's Kisses for Valentines, and I can't eat those kisses.

And then Thom should be getting his call sometime this week and I'm sure we'll go out to celebrate and what will I not be able to have? Right...sugar.

But! I can do this! Life will go on! And-hopefully- by the end of February I will be a much healthier, more energetic, and (fingers crossed) better looking Bonnie.

Wish me luck-I may just need it!