Sunday, February 20, 2011

15 Mintues of Fame

Andy Warhol once said that everyone was entitled to 15 minutes of fame...or he said something close to that. I don't remember the words exactly and I'm not feeling inclined to look it up, so that's what you're going to have to be ok with right now.

Well on Tuesday I got my 15 minutes of fame. Ok, well it wasn't exactly 15 minutes. And I don't think it qualifies as 'fame' but whatever, I'm totally counting it!

Tuesday night I was working up at Jakes, at that my friends, is how it all began. At around 5:40 I was chatting to a friend through the drive window when I noticed some guy literally tearing across the Jakes parking lot. I mean he was flying through, I haven't seen anyone run that fast in a long time. I thought to myself "Huh, he's certainly in a hurry" and then dismissed it from my mind.

I finished my conversation with my friend and just as I was pulling my head back through the window my co-worker asked me if I'd seen those two guys running through the parking lot. I replied that I'd only seen one and she told me that once they reached the entrance to the parking lot they split ways, one running across and one running down the hill. We commented again on how odd it was and then dismissed it out of hand.

About 10 minutes later we saw all of these police cars driving down the hill. About the time we saw the 3rd one we thought it was getting a little unusual and started joking about how they were probably there for a drug bust because it was Ogden (at this point we hadn't connected incident A [the running men] with incident B [the police cars]).

Maybe 5 minutes after that this nice looking guy came into Jakes. He looked completely normal and I didn't want to deal with customers so I passed him off to Amber and told her to take his order. As she walked up to the front this guy casually reached into his jacket pocket and whipped out a badge. But not just any badge, he whipped out an FBI badge!!! Amber took one startled look and then dragged me up the front, told me to deal with him and faded into the background (when later questioned about her actions she could only say that she'd seen too many criminal justice movies lately).

Alright, so this guy was FBI! He gently pulled me aside and quietly told me that there had been a robbery across the street at the Educators Mutual Credit Union and asked me if I'd seen anything odd or suspicious that night. After I quickly decided that I didn't need to mention the police cars because they were probably already 'in the know' I mentioned that at about 5:40 Emily and I had seen 2 guys running through the parking lot, splitting directions. We described what they looked like and told him what direction they had each respectively gone. My descriptions and time frame matched up perfectly with the FBI and what they needed to know! Or at least it corresponded with what they already knew.

The man very seriously wrote down my remarks, had me sign my 'issued statement' (I know! I felt so formal and important!!!) then took down my name, phone number, and told me that he would keep them on file in case I was needed in court later. (I've got to be honest, I really hope it doesn't come to that....) In a daze I told him to have a good night and if he needed anything else let me know. He jokingly asked for some fries but I was in some sort of weird, FBI induced shock and I didn't respond nearly as wittily as I would have liked (in fact I believe my exact response was "What?" I know, KILLER right?)

And that was my Tuesday night! How CRAZY is that? I know it wasn't 15 minutes...well, actually it might have been about 15 minutes. And it was 'famous' or anything. No quote in the paper, no picture for paparazzi, but I think this should qualify! It was amazing! Now to only hope and pray that they catch the robbers, and don't need me again!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So for those of you who do not know I tutor part time, I mean, I do A LOT of things part time but tutoring is one of them.

I was nervous at first it once began (at first it once began? What am I writing here? Some sort of 18th century novel...?) but it turned out that it was easier than I thought it was going to be. Or it could be that my particular 'charges' are super nice and easy for me to teach.

But today I gave plasma and I had this huge green bandage on my arm. And my girl was fascinated!! It totally cracked me up! She was so interested in the bandage and the blood and plasma donations, it took us forever to get to the actual math and english that I was supposed to be teaching her. But once she did focus it was like some sort of crazy, at attention focus. I'm thinking I might have to donate plasma every day that I'm supposed to go in to tutor. This was nice!!

On a side note it took me FOREVER to donate the full 880 mL of plasma today, like 2 hours! Do you think I was just dehydrated? Or is my blood special? The first time it was ok but man, today took forever!!

Life is just fabulous isn't it? I'm pretty happy these days. Although I am bummed that Valentines Day is coming up. For some reason I'm really ridiculously depressed about that day this year....LAME!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Hey all! I figured since I opened up the floodgate about Confusing Guy on Wednesday, or whatever day it was that I last posted, I might as well keep you all updated right? In for a penny, in for a pound type of thing. And hopefully he'll never find out this blog exists and casually read it and then discover all these things I've been saying about him (although I COULD always deny it since I never name him, but let's be honest, he'd totally see right through it, it's pretty obvious...)

So things with Confusing Guy had been getting more and more confusing because of another girl who entered in on the scene. It was getting complicated, and I like simple things, and I was just going crazy and I did NOT want to be involved in some sort of weird, love triangle thing so I finally decided that I just needed to talk to Confusing Guy.

On Thursday evening we got together, went out to dinner (since I was STARVING) and casually chatted. He did pay for my dinner, which was very nice seeing as how I was the one that had asked him to go. After dinner was over and we were aimlessly driving around Ogden I started 'the talk' (Because really? SO much easier to talk to someone in a car, you don't always have to look at their face) I gave him a brief summation of all that Other Girl had been saying, and I asked him why I hadn't heard from him since last Wednesday, that sort of thing. Finally I asked him flat out, what was going on in his head, what was he feeling and just be honest because I needed to know in order to keep my sanity, and really my sanity is so very important to me.

He was very kind, told me that currently his life was in shambles while he was trying to decide just what to do with it, you know, where and why to go to school, where to live, what to do, scholarships to try and get, that sort of thing. And that he was so busy trying to figure out who he was he really didn't want to try figuring out who he was when he was with another person. He told me he enjoyed my company immensely and he loved being friends and he would be interested to see where if goes, if indeed it goes anywhere, but right now he needs to be friends.

Which I understand, completely! I mean yeah, it was kind of a downer, but I understand.

So we drove around for a little while longer, talked, looked at the view of Ogden from some high mountain peak thing, I made him listen to my Smurf's CD (because now that I know I don't have to work on impressing him and he just wants to be friends he is going to be subjected to all sorts of things like that :-D) He had me listen to this one song he liked, you know, friend stuff! So that's where we're at right now.

It's ok I suppose, I mean I do have Lurpy Guy coming in on the scene too and I am curious as to where that will lead, if indeed it leads anywhere. And while I'm waiting I know it wouldn't hurt to try and figure out some more things about me and who I am, not to mention what I'm going to do with my life...

And no Val, Justin didn't ever ask me out, but to be honest I never expected him too. It was just the fact that his mother said that that totally made my day.

So that is my update!! Thoughts anyone?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I'm really quite clueless about what I want to blog about today, I just know that I want to blog. So lucky you! You guys all get to read whatever my mind throws up that then lands on this page. I just know you're all very excited!

The days have been quite literally slipping by me, I'm never quite sure what I've accomplished at days end besides the joy of having said that I lived through another day and I'm one day closer to being 20. (Don't ask me why that's one of my goals, I have no idea, but I am quite determined to live to be 20....after that it'll probably be living to 21 or some such nonsense) I know that in general I've done things, lots of things! I just can't seem to pinpoint them to any specific day. But here are some of the things I've done lately!

I began donating plasma! (Although to tell the truth I'm still quite confused about why they use the term 'donate' when I fully get paid at the end of each session...) I figured why not?! It's money, I need money. I don't particularly need my plasma (I mean, I'm sure I DO but it's not like they'll take more than is healthy...right?) and other people do (and by other people I mean whatever companies are buying my plasma to make things) and as an added bonus there is a couple of extremely good lookin' guys who work for the plasma company! I mean, come on, I'm sitting there hooked up to a machine for an hour, I'm bound to look around. I just think it was extremely thoughtful of the plasma company to provide me with such eye candy...

I have gotten up at 4 AM once for a friend and stayed up until 2 AM again for same said friend. Thankfully not on two consecutive days...that might have been a bit much for me and let's be honest, even my friendship has some limits. While I am tired the days following these early morning trysts (probably not the right word, but it sounds SUPER awesome and when am I gonna get the chance to use it again?) and somewhat cranky I'm a little bit flattered that I'm the friend she chooses to come to in her time of need (although this COULD be because I have no life)

I have been doing some research on Shutterfly! Recently two people who's blogs I read and comment on have both switched their blogs over to Shutterfly. Obviously there must be something to this right? So while I have not yet made a decision one way or the other I've been doing some nice in depth research on both webpages.

I have been through a complete emotional roller coaster about this guy. Let me just say it, guys are lame. And confusing. WAY more confusing than girls are. And quite honestly, well, I just don't even know what to say there because I can't even decide what to think! It's just lame! (Although this does lead me to, what I find to be, a very awesome and really funny story!)

Ok, so yesterday I was sitting at the computer moping because this guy is being confusing (as stated above) and I was just messing around on facebook when I realized it was the first day of February. Now I have a friend who absolutely hates January. Like, with a passion. He's certain that January has no good (which I think is a LITTLE harsh, but it's his life right?) So I realize it's the first day of February and that January is over so I trot on over to his facebook page and I post "Happy first day of February Justin!!" and then I go back to moping about Confusing Guy (that should just be his name right?) A little while later in the day I get back on facebook and I see that Justin's mother has posted the following comment on my post. "Justin...take this girl out on a date. Please. Yep. I'm probably in trouble now. :-0" And it TOTALLY made my day!! I mean yes, Justin and I are just friends but I had spent most of my day getting frustrated at Confusing Guy and going up and down this emotional roller coaster and then just as I was thinking how stupid life is in general I log on to facebook and there was that!! It was funny and it was perfect for me! Just what I needed right then! (And it still totally makes me chuckle when I think about it...poor Justin) Thank heavens for small miracles right? That was my small miracle.

Anyways, I have letters to missionaries that I need to write, and I really should do that and stop slacking around on the computer. So I will end this fun little post (much to the relief of my audience I'm sure :-D) but I would just like to make one comment I just noticed, I don't believe I have EVER used as many sets of ( )'s as I did in this post...seriously, this should set a record somewhere...