Sunday, February 6, 2011


Hey all! I figured since I opened up the floodgate about Confusing Guy on Wednesday, or whatever day it was that I last posted, I might as well keep you all updated right? In for a penny, in for a pound type of thing. And hopefully he'll never find out this blog exists and casually read it and then discover all these things I've been saying about him (although I COULD always deny it since I never name him, but let's be honest, he'd totally see right through it, it's pretty obvious...)

So things with Confusing Guy had been getting more and more confusing because of another girl who entered in on the scene. It was getting complicated, and I like simple things, and I was just going crazy and I did NOT want to be involved in some sort of weird, love triangle thing so I finally decided that I just needed to talk to Confusing Guy.

On Thursday evening we got together, went out to dinner (since I was STARVING) and casually chatted. He did pay for my dinner, which was very nice seeing as how I was the one that had asked him to go. After dinner was over and we were aimlessly driving around Ogden I started 'the talk' (Because really? SO much easier to talk to someone in a car, you don't always have to look at their face) I gave him a brief summation of all that Other Girl had been saying, and I asked him why I hadn't heard from him since last Wednesday, that sort of thing. Finally I asked him flat out, what was going on in his head, what was he feeling and just be honest because I needed to know in order to keep my sanity, and really my sanity is so very important to me.

He was very kind, told me that currently his life was in shambles while he was trying to decide just what to do with it, you know, where and why to go to school, where to live, what to do, scholarships to try and get, that sort of thing. And that he was so busy trying to figure out who he was he really didn't want to try figuring out who he was when he was with another person. He told me he enjoyed my company immensely and he loved being friends and he would be interested to see where if goes, if indeed it goes anywhere, but right now he needs to be friends.

Which I understand, completely! I mean yeah, it was kind of a downer, but I understand.

So we drove around for a little while longer, talked, looked at the view of Ogden from some high mountain peak thing, I made him listen to my Smurf's CD (because now that I know I don't have to work on impressing him and he just wants to be friends he is going to be subjected to all sorts of things like that :-D) He had me listen to this one song he liked, you know, friend stuff! So that's where we're at right now.

It's ok I suppose, I mean I do have Lurpy Guy coming in on the scene too and I am curious as to where that will lead, if indeed it leads anywhere. And while I'm waiting I know it wouldn't hurt to try and figure out some more things about me and who I am, not to mention what I'm going to do with my life...

And no Val, Justin didn't ever ask me out, but to be honest I never expected him too. It was just the fact that his mother said that that totally made my day.

So that is my update!! Thoughts anyone?


Stephanie said...

Well I'm glad he had the decency to give you a good honest response about what he was thinking and where he is in his life. And while I'm know it was a downer don't worry it will end up being a super huge blessing. Lots of hugs and love to you from the midwest and know that your prince charming is out there and he won't be shy about carrying you away. Love you!

Anonymous said...

'Thoughts anyone?' Like we don't have plenty of thoughts after reading that!! :)
So, I'm glad to hear that Confusing Guy has been decent in helping to clarify some of the confusing details. That adds a couple points to him in my book, and maybe now I won't bust his kneecaps.
Next, who the heck is 'Lurpy Guy'?!? Why haven't we had a phone call discussing him yet? And, do I know who he is?
Lastly, I completely agree that it is always a good time to continue to figure you out. However, be warned: it is a lifelong persuit.
Love you!!

SuZan said...

Lurpy? I have never heard of the word Lurpy. What does it mean? I am really happy that you and Confusing Guy are able to be friends. This way you will actually get to know the REAL person.