Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bliss Challenge

Two days ago I had a sudden realization that I had absolutely no reason to not be blissfully unhappy and that I had every reason to be blissfully happy. As such on my facebook page I said that I had no reason to not be blissfully unhappy and over 100 reasons to be blissfully happy. (Because 10 just didn't seem like enough and 100 seemed like a good number...)

So last night I was talking to my sister and she challenged me to come up with and write down what the 100 (or I guess technically 101 because I said over 100) reasons were. So- here we go. My 101 Reasons I'm Blissfully Happy with my Life.

*Please note that these are NOT in order of importance- simply in the order they come to me*

1. I'm alive
2. I'm smart
3. I have the light of the gospel in my life
4. I go to bed warm every night
5. I go to bed full every night
6. I have the luxury of warm showers whenever I want them
7. I have a job where I learn something new everyday
8. And it gives me a regular paycheck
9. I have a brother-in-law who is able to fix my broken car and save me mechanic fees
10. I have a family that I love with all of my heart and that loves me and supports me in all that I do and they just absolutely without a doubt rock my world
11. I have pretty dang fabulous hair
12. And I LOVE the color of my eyes
13. I have 10 nieces and nephews who call me 'Auntie Bonnie' and make me smile, laugh, and cry-- sometimes all within a 24 hour span of time
14. I have a calling in a church that has enabled me to get to know one of the best people in my branch
15. I'm healthy
16. Most days I even think I'm pretty :-)
17. I have a dog who loves me with all her heart and gives me all her trust and I adore her back
18. My sisters cat sneaks into my bed and cuddles with me 7 nights out of 10
19. I have been to 48 out of 50 states in my country
20. I live in the United States of America-- I consider this a huge blessing, to be able to live in the country that I love? So amazing
21. I'm currently free in my life to flit from place to place and thing to thing without being called 'flighty'-- instead I'm just called 'young' It's like a Get Out of Jail Free card!
22. I can cook
23. I can sing
24. Everyday that I live I see something beautiful and wonderful
25. I also smell some PRETTY amazing smells
26. Not to mention the things I get to taste everyday! Go for tastebuds!
27. Josh Groban
28. Michael Buble
29. Musicals-- they definitely make me blissfully happy!
30. Oh heck- music in general. I LOVE music!
31. There are people that are paid to help keep me safe and happy
32. I currently have pretty much limitless options to what I can do with my life. I can be whatever I want to be and do whatever I want to do (although I think my parents start withdrawing their support around 'hooker'....
33. I have a sister who gives me cute clothes and shoes (I just love free things :-D)
34. I write 'snail mail' letters still and on a regular basis, I LOVE giving and getting those
35. I have complete access everyday to the internet
36. My iPod
37. Everyday I get to see at least one handsome man- I do love my eye candy
38. There are boundless amounts of people to watch- I'm a big fan of people watching
39. Bicycling
40. Colors
41. Touch- I love touching things and feeling things. Muscles, flowers, dogs- I love touch
42. Lego Rock Band
43. Hot Chocolate
44. Movies
45. Warm blankets
46. Rain
47. Thunder and Lightning storms (Is it cheating to put them as two separate things?)
48. Sun
49. Wind- strong wind, light breezes, I love it all
50. Running through the sprinkler
51. My scriptures
52. My Patriarchal Blessing
53. The ability to make choices (sometimes even good ones! That's an added bonus)
54. My hair dryer
55. My straightener
56. Mountain, Lakes, Oceans-- scenery basically
57. Constellations- they are SO beautiful. The whole night sky is actually
58. I have a back yard that leads into a beautiful fish hatchery
59. My car- broken or running I love Sophie
60. My ability to massage- to help heal people and make their lives better
61. Talking- I LOVE to talk.
62. Listening- I love to do that as well, it just doesn't come as naturally
63. Writing- I have to say that the more I've been blogging to more I've realized that I love to write. Not long stories or anything just to write, I think it's fun. I love playing with the words and trying to make others laugh
64. My Savior
65. That I have 7 missionaries out in the field that I communicate regularly with and that I am so proud of
66. My friends- I have so many at such varying levels of 'friend' but each helps me out somehow and I am so lucky and happy to have them all
67. Modern medicine
68. Not so modern medicine (herbs and the like)
69. Push-Ups and Crunches
70. Food!!! (All inclusive of deserts, fruits, vegetables, etc...oh I just LOVE food!)
71. I'm left-handed (this makes me part of some exclusive club :-) I like being part of those.. :-P )
72. Temples
73. Light
74. And dark as well
75. Water- I'm a HUGE fan of that stuff!
76. Diet Dr. Pepper (Nectar of the Gods here...)
77. Fun people to hang out with (I'd name a name but on the off chance it somehow gets back to them it could somehow make my life complicated in a way that I don't particularly want it to be complicated and as such I won't name guys got all that? :-P)
78. The prophet
79. And of course the Quorum of the 12
80. Boats- I've recently realized how much fun it is for me to ride on them- I LOVE the feeling!
81. Ditto that for motorcycles
82. My ability to drive- I love driving. It's so much fun for me
83. Earrings (I mean jewelry in general of course yes, but earrings in particular- I love those!)
84. Libraries
85. Books- I adore reading
86. Education- this'll probably sound odd but I love learning. Some part of me actually misses being in school right now. I love to learn and I love education- I love knowing that I'm getting smarter in some aspect of something
87. The English language
88. Blogging
89. Facebook
90. My height (it makes it excellent for faking on the monkey bars :-P)
91. Washing Machines and Dryers (Don't even want to think about all the extra work I'd have to do if THOSE didn't exist)
92. Swimming
93. Lazing on the beach
94. Taking mid-afternoon naps
95. The feeling of twitterpation
96. The fact that my heart always has more room for love
97. The fact that my personality naturally looks on the brighter side of life (let me tell you it's made this list so much easier) it makes life better
98. My sense of humor- in fact let's just include laughter, vitality, and hilarious things in this one. I love funny things, laughing at people and occurrences, and I'm definitely not above laughing at myself- especially since I so often slip up and do...let's call them interesting...things
99. Bubbles- Bubbles make me unreasonably happy
100. Swinging- I love the feeling of swinging! I love the high you get and the drop out of your stomach when you plunge down. It's so freeing and wonderful!
101. Contacts-- I love how I can see without having to wear glasses (which I've always seen as detracting from my good looks :-P) it makes me so happy!

And there you have it-- over 100 reasons that I have to be blissfully happy! Some of them are silly, some are serious, but all are absolutely true. And you know the great thing? I realized I could've kept going, except I think you guys would've gotten bored. I mean, I'm impressed already that you read through 101 things! But with all these things to arm me, what has life got that could possibly bring me down? Nothing that's what- with every bad thing that life throws at me I can counteract it with at least 3 good things. Isn't life amazing?!


Stephanie said...

First of all I absolutely LOVED this post. And it was what I really needed this week (having been a bit rough) to be reminded how blissfully blessed I am - as after I read this I kept thinking about all the things I have to be blissful about. You so totally rock!
Now onto my comments about some of your blisses:
I love your hair too and your eyes are incredible (beyond the color they have an extra quality that makes it look like a part of the sun lives inside you).
I love that you love your country - we are so blessed to live here.
I can't wait to benefit from your cooking skils ;) and most definately look forward to being around you when you sing approximately 80% of your waking hours. I love hearing you sing.
Your attitude helps you find so many things of beauty around you - but that is also why you were able to right this amazing post. Love you!
I love smelling too! You know I'm stealing some things off this list - whose the cheater now?
Music in General ha ha - so true.
As to withdrawal of support at hooker - look at Ryan's life and reconsider that...our parents are pretty good at always being there no matter what choices you make. (Still wouldn't make that career move it I were you though ;)
I love snail mail. I'm trying to get into the habit of doing them again. You bless so many lives with those letters.
iPods - now how did pioneers live without those? (and then I run into people who don't own one yet...what century are they living in?!)
Eye candy? nice
Touching muscles? Definately have a question about this one. ;)
Talking! loved it - almost as much as your follow up on listening. You are so funny!
I'm so glad you've started writing again - I agree about the joy of putting sentences together just so. It is so much fun.
Sad I'm not in the left hand club - it's so true though. It's almost like a secret society.
Fun People to Hang out with? Yeah no idea who that could be. ;) (Does this one go with loving to touch muscles?)
Facebook! I don't know why I held out so long - do so love it too.
I love that your heart always has room for more love too - it's one of the best things about you how ever expandable your heart is.
As well as your sense of humor.
Stealing bubbles - they make me unreasonably happy too. This reminded me that there is something in my life that makes me unreasonably happy - I've been sitting here for a week trying to figure out what it is...still trying. I hope I figure it out before I do my bliss post.
Anyhow you totally rock. I loved this post so much.
Thank you.

Kay said...

I really loved this! I have been doing more noticing of all of the awesome things I have been blessed with & it has been helping me to be a happier person!
Being grateful is like spiraling up, instead of down.
Oh yeah, about number 22, may I remind you of the 'shepard pie incident'. (tee hee)

Anonymous said...

No. 33 better be me. :P Kidding, of course; I don't know what awesome things your other awesome sisters are giving you.
This was a rock-awesome post; thanks for always being the one to bring it back to the positive...the one to help us all look at all the good things we've got. Rock on, girlie!