Sunday, November 30, 2008


So, as a part of his true amazingness and dedication to my learning of outdoor things, my brother in law, Lance, brought up a bunch of his guns with him for Thanksgiving.

And on Thanksgiving I got to go shooting! Honest to goodness, just three or so hours shooting things--clay pigeons, paper targets, helium balloons, random shrubbery, and it was so much fun! There was a 30-30, a 22, a shotgun, a pistol, and I just had a blast!

There is something so satisfying about correctly aiming and shooting and actually hitting your target. Something so calming to know that if need ever came I could defend myself fairly accurately.

And it's nice to know that I have a brother-in-law who cares so much about my well-being. Who was willing to take the time out of his Thanksgiving to take me, and some others in my family, up to the mountains and teach us basic gun safefy, aiming, and shooting.

But enough about that- Thanksgiving is over and the Christmas season has finally begun! Now if only I could get some snow to prove my point...

And I have only 18 days left before I graduate school, I think I'm going to have a completel countdown going day by day here. It's odd how it can see so long and yet so short at the same time! On one side I look at it and say "Wow! 18 days! That's less than three weeks and my high school career is officially over and done!" but on the other hand being in the classes and going day by day 18 days is a century and a half.

Haha! I used to think I was so special, but I'm getting to know more and more people that graduated early. I mean heck, I'll be the third in my family to do so.

And I can't wait!

December is going to be an absolutely amazing month!


Stephanie said...

Ha ha ha - Blast - with guns - I get it, that is so funny! Seriously thought I'm completely with you it is really satisfying to be able to accurately shoot.
December is going to be a great month - only 18 days and you have a new level of adult freedom before you...only 25 short days before Christmas - so much to do, so much fun to be had, I don't know if this month can hold all the excitement (or me for that matter...)

Anonymous said...

lol I'm glad there weren't any casualties! I'm a chicken when it comes to shooting guns! You've got guts, Bonnie! lol I wish I were as tough and brave as you!
Wasn't Thanksgiving great! I can't wait until Christmas!