Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I feel like I should warn you all that this post is probably going to be pretty boring. It's not a fun story or anything, it's really just an update. But it does contain some news that I am SUPERLY DUPERLY excited about!!!

Last Wednesday Mom and I flew up to Washington to help my sister and brother-in-law, Val and Jacob, move down to Twin Falls, ID. Jake got a job at the hospital there and he started Monday (late happy first day wishes Jake!!) and so all weekend we packed and sorted and cleaned out their house in Colfax, and then we drove down to Twin Falls.

Ok, I do have to interject a quick story here. So pretty much ALL of Friday I was freezing right? The door to the house had been open all day (since we were loading a truck it was kind of pointless to close it...) so the house was cold and outside was cold and I was just cold! And for some reason I never got properly warm in the U-HAUL truck that Val and I were in on our way to Twin Falls. Val was roasting but I was slightly if not more than slightly cold the entire way from Colfax to Le Grande. We stopped in Le Grande for the night and got a hotel and the first thing we did was make sure that the heater was on full blast. It was going and I was so happily warm and my bed was right next to the heater! I was in heaven. And then it like exploded!!! Ok, no it didn't EXPLODE in the traditional sense of the word, but it started heaving out heat! It was SO SO SO hot! The entire hotel room was practically molting it was so hot and I could not for the life of me figure out how to turn it down! I looked at it, turned my cell phone light on it, but I must have been extremely tired because all of the symbols on the heater looked suspiciously like a foreign language...not even a regular foreign language. They looked like a made up foreign language...like gnomic or something. So I tried sleeping on the floor but it was FREEZING down there! I mean seriously there was no happy medium between the two! So I tried the bed again and I was tossing and turning and moving and jumping and harrumphing trying to get a good spot. I think I finally found one that was pretty ok near the end of the bed, hanging a little off with my head and arms...needless to say Val and Jake chuckled when they woke up and saw me...And then the next day we headed out on the road and I was freezing all over again. Sometimes I think there is no justice in this world....Anyways, moving on...

Val and I were in one of the U-HAUL's together and we had SUCH a good time driving! We listened to the radio and mocked the stations and quoted movies and created inside jokes and played the alphabet game (silently of course, until you get to Z which you shout out triumphantly since you've just won! [Of course the other person didn't know you were playing and some people {those with ridiculously high moral standards if you ask me} consider this unfair] but it's much easier to win this way) and we also created a new version of the alphabet game, the Symbol Game. Along the same lines but much harder...and way more fun. Well, if you're with the right people.

Anyways, eventually we got to Twin Falls and we got them unloaded (I have to say, I think Val's new ward is gonna rock! No less than 5 elders showed up to help us unload the trucks. They will forever live in my heart as heroes...) and went out to dinner. Mom and I left the next day and Val and Jake have been moving in, unpacking boxes, etc...

Now, do you remember way back at the beginning of this forever long and really random post? When I said I had some news that I was SUPERLY DUPERLY excited about?! It is this! Val and Jake are now only 2 1/2 hours away from my home! This makes them the closest siblings that I have around me (Ok, that's not true, Ryan is closer but as his home changes location on a fairly regular basis and I'm never actually sure where to find him I don't really count it) and I'm so stoked!! Val and I have all these weekend jaunts planned where I come down on Friday night, we talk and giggle late into the evening, spend all day Saturday doing some deliciously wonderful thing and then I come home Saturday night or Sunday, depending on how I feel. Well I mean I have all these plans, Val will probably just accept my company graciously because, well she's a gracious lady. And I'm her sister and I'm gonna come whether she wants me to or not so she really has no choice in the matter :-D And it's gonna be so great! We're gonna go to City of the Rocks! (Multiple times as soon as the weather warms if I have my way) and we're gonna explore Twin Falls and it's gonna be so great! Who's excited?!

(Just think of it this way, even if you're not excited about Val moving because you aren't related and don't really care now I'll actually have some fun things to blog about that will be interesting and fun to read! The exact opposite of this post :-) ) Now who's excited?!


Constantine said...

Hahahaha!!!!! I was laughing hysterically the whole time while reading the exploding heater story! You have a knack for telling things in such an entertaining way! Gnomic?? lol :) I sure do miss you Bonnie friend!!
I will admit though, that when I first saw the title to this post, I started FREAKING OUT!!! My first thoughts were, "SHE'S MOVING AGAIN???? I"M GONNA KILL HER!!"
But since you're staying, I will resist strangling you lol ;)
I am glad that your sister is closer! I couldn't stand to have my sisters live that far away! I would miss them so terribly!!
I love you! :) Thank you for making me laugh!!


Stephanie said...

Bonnie I read it! But I'm commenting on my iPod in the middle of the night so there might be some quality control issues with what gets written... I'm so excited for both of you and a little jealous. I want to live two hours from somebody special like you or Val. Shoot I practically live two hours from fun stores like target and Joann's...I miss you all and the fun times and inside jokes born of proximity. Sorry to hear about the heater though I had to chuckle as what you say about those things is so true. My experience has been with the cooling side because that's when I seem to be in hotel rooms....somebody will set the temperature to below frigid then I can't figure out how to turn it off. Remember when staying in a hotel was an adventure...now it's so tricky I usually just wish I were home. :S Lovers you and the post! Thanks for reminding me and being patient.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny. I got up and down to turn the heater on and off no less than 4 times that night; all around just not the most restful night for any of us. :)
Glad you were there to make the drive go more quickly, and the move go more smoothly!

SuZan said...

What enthusiasm!!!! It is amazing that you can make a move, long drive, and stressful night seem like a party.