Saturday, March 19, 2011

Roaming 25th Street!!

I met a friend. Her name is Emily. She's awesome. We're buds! We actually had met each other at the beginning of January and worked together a few times but she thought I was like 22 or 23 and I was busy doing other things and we never really clicked. Then on Friday the 11th we were casually chatting about the concert type of thing that we were planning on going to that night and she found out that I was only 19 and much closer to her age and I just discovered that I enjoyed talking to her. And we clicked!

Well that night of Friday the 11th I discovered that Emily and Alexa, another friend of mine, had NEVER randomly roamed around 25th street! Or downtown Ogden for that matter! I of course had gone to school in downtown Ogden so I'm quite familiar with the streets and I offered to be their 25th Street guide. We wandered around and had a grand time but we had to get to the concert so time was limited, plus we saw so many things that needed to have a picture taken of but we didn't have a camera! So we decided that someday we would come back. And we did! Last night.

Alexa had been having some guy troubles and so we had decided to have a girls night out to support her and talk her through the times. But of course the serious conversations we had in that regard did not keep us from noticed and doing all the fun things we'd thought of last week! Here's just a few highlights! You can go to facebook for the full set.

This was the sign that started it all! This was the sign we saw on the night of the 11th that we REALLY wanted to get a picture of. I know it's still technically graffiti but it's such creative graffiti! Totally cracks me up!

This is the first of a three part picture series. We were walking by the Lindquist Field when we saw that there was this HUGE row of green trash cans just chillin' there, not chained or anything. Just trash cans! So Emily contemplated trying to run away with one. 

Suddenly she made a split decision! She grabbed the trash can with lightning quickness!

And the getaway! Have to be honest, running away with a trash can is not the most subtle thing that you can do in your life....she was pretty obvious. We gave her props for originality though!

Alexa picked up a scary looking metal pipe. I refused to touch it. I stick by my theory that it is probably carrying some sort of horrid disease. It was pretty helpful in keeping those pesky guys away though. 

This was my favorite sign that I saw all night long!! It was on the side of the Marriot Hotel, the side that they had kept decorated like it was still the 1910's. The side that advertises open rooms for only $2 a night. Now remember all you Coke drinkers out there! Don't just be refreshed! Be really refreshed!!! 

And that's Emily with the two little men that were painted on the wall. Again, I know that it's graffiti but at least these people are original right?!

Be REALLY refreshed people!

Nothing says "We trust the people of Ogden" like two benches chained to each other....and a tree. This did give rise to one of the best quotes of the night though! Alexa: "Hey Emily, look at that pimped out Impala! You should do that do your car!" Emily: "No way! You wouldn't catch me dead in that car! Oh is Ogden, maybe you WOULD catch me dead in that car...." I laughed so freaking hard! Emily is form Plain City, I guess she's just not used to our wicked ways :-P

Ah! A crowning part of our night! We were walking by Farr's when we noticed this empty Bobcat. Emily really wanted to sit in this Bobcat and have Alexa in the shovel and get a great picture and more memories! But when she sat down an alarm sounded and she literally FLEW out of that chair (that's where the picture comes in) and jumped and landed ninja style clear out on the opposite side of the sidewalk. It was talent! Who knew that empty Bobcat's came equipped with alarms?! Not us! We sure do now though...

Friday night brings to life the fact that no matter what you're doing if you're with the right people ANYTHING can be fun! Walking around 25th street would always be interesting, no matter who you're with. But who knew that aimless wandering for hours could be so fabulous?! Of course it is possible that this was just because you had 3 girls and a camera. Always a winning combination!


Stephanie said...

Looks like fun though I have to say that the guys faces under the coke ad totally creep me out. I mean seriously. Look at those things. *shudders* spooky.
Of course the bobcat was equipped with an's how they keep people who aren't supposed to be in them out. But like you said. You know that now. ;)

Anonymous said...

It does look (and sound) like a great time! And having met this particular gal since then, I can say that she is a pretty fun gal. I hope the relationship continues to flourish! Nothing quite so great as making another new best friend!