Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday's Memory

Alright here goes, I've finally joined the ranks of Monday's Memory bloggers. I've got to be honest, I'm a little scared. What if I'm not a good memorist....memorist? That's totally not a word. Ah well you'll all love me anyways right?

Now since last Saturday was my last day at Jakes, I decided that for my first Monday Memory I would reminisce about my first day at Jakes.

It was November of 2007, and I had just totaled my brothers truck, which was the whole reason I was getting a job there anyways. My first shift started at 6 and I was in training. Lisa, who owns Jakes, was in charge that night and I was terrified! I walked in, filled out my forms, read the rules, put on my nifty Jakes shirt and began a love affair that lasted for the next 3 years. (Ok well it wasn't all love, there was a whole lot of frustration, anger, hurt, worry, and fear that mixed itself in with the joy and love- but isn't that like every relationship?)

I knew I was working with the owner and I wanted to be super impressive, I did the best I could to pick up on everything quickly and get along well with everybody. It was easier than I thought at before I knew exactly what had happened Lisa was coming up to me, and telling me that I had done a terrific job and that I could go home.

I walked home in a daze. That was it? I had just completed my first day on a job where I had a W-2, a uniform, in other words, a REAL job. I was so proud! I had survived!

I carried this memory with me on Saturday night, as customer after customer came pouring into Jakes and we had our first night over 2,000 for the year 2011. I kept up a mantra that if I had survived my first night I could certainly survive my last. And I did, with no bruises, no harm, and no lasting damage to my sanity.

A part of me is sad that this stage of my life is over *fingers crossed* but a part is also excited, and ready to move on! Besides, it's not like Jakes is that far away from me :-D I'm sure I'll be up there plenty in the future.


Constantine said...

I remember when you first started working at Jakes! That's when we became friends!!! :D
I'm so glad you've started in on the Monday's memory! You should join in on the wordless Wednesday took! This coming Friday, I'm going to do my first "Friday's Facts" post. I can't wait!! :D

Stephanie said...

"I kept up a mantra that if I had survived my first night I could certainly survive my last. And I did, with no bruises, no harm, and no lasting damage to my sanity." At which point I was thinking 'yeah but what about your eyebrows...did you finish out the night with those intact as well?' Ah Jakes - where would we be without the memories that place has given us? :)

Stephanie said...

By the way I'm really excited about this idea and think I'll have to steal it...though I obviously won't be able to make it a Monday Memory because my weeks are so unpredictable that sometimes I won't end up posting my 'Monday' memory until Thursday or Friday or... ;)

Anonymous said...

I remember your last night at never came HOME!! ;)
I'm glad you're doing this system. Maybe if I stole this, I would have something to blog about!
Steph, I think you should still call in 'Monday Memory' regardless of when you post it. That keeps it fun. :)

SuZan said...

It looks like a lot of people are following you down the road of Monday Memories, Wordless Wednesdays, and Friday Facts. I really think we need to come up with something for Tuesdays and Thursdays.