Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday's Fact

Ok so about 95% of the blogs that I follow have two things: Monday's Memory and Wordless Wednesday. I love reading and seeing these blog posts and I have been lately toying with the idea of joining in on this. But as I was considering it I realized that something was missing. I mean, when you say Monday and Wednesday right after each other the natural word that follows is Friday. And I realized we were missing Friday! Then I thought that maybe Friday felt left out, and I hate it when inanimate things feel left out in my imagination. It just hurts my heart.

So I have decided that I am going to institute a Friday Fact. Just every Friday a random fact about absolutely anything that I find interesting I will share with all of you! It's a win-win for me because now I can not only do a Monday Memory and a Wordless Wednesday guilt free but I can get to know tons and tons of useless trivia and feel smarter! And who knows? Maybe it will catch on and my name will become famous in the blogging world!

(*snorts with laughter* Yeah, like THAT'D ever happen. First off there really aren't enough people reading my blog to make it famous and secondly I'm so sure that someone else has come up with this idea before...I'm just taking credit because I'm not SURE if anyone has. I'll just be happy if one person I know picks it up, then I'll feel special. Anyways, on to the the fact)

As my fact is really obscure and odd (a little like me) let me just quick give you a little background. The Dewey Decimal System is the system that the vast majority of libraries use to sort and organize their books. In the DDS you have 10 main systems, 10 classes in each system, and 10 sections in each class. And each book is a assigned a decimal number correlating to author and title of book. Short explanation, you might be more confused than before, sorry, but I felt it necessary to let you know that before I posted my I guess you get two facts! Yay!! Ok, fact now. (Also I promise next Fridays will be MUCH shorter)

Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey Decimal category.


Constantine said...

Awesome!!!! I love the idea!!! :) I bet I can get my sister and mom to join ;D
BTW Isaac Asimov is one smart dude! :O

Stephanie said...

While I've seen "Photo (or Photo Story) Friday" and "Flashback Friday" I've never seen a Friday Fact before. You are (at least in my world) a pioneer.
On that note I've also seen Thankful Thursday so hey - just in case you wanted something else. You know I've never seen anything for Tues. so maybe you could help that little guy out. ;)
Is there anyplace in the world that still uses the Dewey Decimal system? I remember learning how to look things up with it - but haven't used it for a really long time. (Maybe that could be the Friday fact for next week. Is the Dewey Decimal system still in use?)
Anyhow that is a pretty cool fact. So interesting.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Steph; I remember being taught how to use it, but haven't used it FOREVER! So, thanks for filling me in.
Now, when you say that I.A. is the only author to have a book in every 'category', do you mean each 'system', 'section', or 'class', or all? I'm just trying to get a correct idea of the fact here...

SuZan said...

Yes! the DDS is still in use, especially by ME!!!! I absolutley love this organizational tool. However, I didn't know that Mr. Asimov had a book in every catagory (I believe that means the main systems, right?) Next week I think you should list the names of the books and what system they are in.

I am considering adopting the Friday Fact Post. However, if I do that, then I will have to have one for every day of the week and that is a LOT of posting!